
Building The Biotech City

Is Los Angeles The Go-To Destination For Tomorrow’s Drug Innovations?

In Vivo sits down with eight key leaders in academia, VC, commercial real estate and groundbreaking biotech to discuss how Los Angeles – the “out there” city of out-sized ambitions – is positioning itself for global leadership in the curative technologies of the future.

see full article (PDF)


Innovation Magazine, vol.2

Welcome to the second Innovation Magazine from the UCLA Technology Development Group. In this issue we highlight UCLA TDG accomplishments in recent months! Our many projects are fully under way and we have established partnerships at multiple levels within the UC ecosystem, investors and with industry professionals. Featured in this issue of the magazine is storytelling and background on the TDG team, our recent deal making, what we do and how we’ve arrived at our success and growth.

UCLA TDG Tech Transfer Officer Receives 2018 AUTM Bayh-Dole Award

Ragan receiving the awardRagan Robertson, Tech Transfer and Information Systems Officer for the UCLA Technology Development Group, has been recognized by AUTM (Association of University Technology Managers) with the 2018 Bayh-Dole Award for his efforts to foster and promote intellectual property activities on behalf of the university and nonprofit community. CONGRATULATIONS, RAGAN!

Falcon Computing Solutions and UCLA Collaborate for Genomics Acceleration

Falcon Computing Solutions and the UCLA Center for Precision Medicine today announced a collaboration that will accelerate innovation and the adoption of cloud-based genomics sequencing solutions. Falcon is conducting initial product testing, benchmarking and optimization at UCLA based on the industry standard GATK best practices pipeline, and is receiving valuable feedback from the UCLA researchers and scientists that allow for product optimization. The joint activity builds upon an existing relationship between UCLA and Falcon – a UCLA spinout co-founded by Dr.