2020 Application Faculty Innovation Fund Open
We are happy to announce an open call for UCLA’s second cohort of Faculty Innovation Fellows (FIF). Started by the Technology Development Group, the Office of Research and Creative Activities, and Startup UCLA, the Faculty Innovation Fellows is a program aimed at advancing entrepreneurial excellence and startup culture among faculty across campus. A UCLA Newsroom story about last year’s program can be found here.
BRAINBox Announces Allowance of Patent on Novel TBI Biomarkers
U.S. Patent Office to Issue Patent for Detecting Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Using Aldolase C
The Notice of Allowance issued by the PTO to The Regents of the University of California through UCLA
Technology Development Group indicates that another U.S. patent, exclusively licensed to BRAINBox
Solutions, will be issued to protect the biomarker panels to be used by BRAINBox Solutions in its pointof-
care products that detect TBI and monitor patient recovery. BRAINBox Solutions previously obtained
UCLA and Theseus AI Announce License Agreement
UCLA signed a license agreement with Theseus AI for technology developed at UCLA that uses artificial intelligence to interpret MRI scans of patients’ spines.
UCLA TDG Innovation Magazine July 2019 V.04
In this this issue we are happy to feature our spinout companies and recent initiatives like Faculty Innovation Fellow program and Bioscience Innovation Day 2019. Plus, you can read about our recent successes in outreach and licensing.
Building The Biotech City
Is Los Angeles The Go-To Destination For Tomorrow’s Drug Innovations?
In Vivo sits down with eight key leaders in academia, VC, commercial real estate and groundbreaking biotech to discuss how Los Angeles – the “out there” city of out-sized ambitions – is positioning itself for global leadership in the curative technologies of the future.
Bone Biologics Receives Approval
Bone Biologics Receives Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) Approval for the First Center of a Multicenter Pilot Clinical Trial to Evaluate NB1 (NELL-1/DBX®) in Australia
Innovation Magazine, vol.3
UCLA Technology Development Group is pleased to present the December 2018 issue of Innovation Magazine.
Innovation Magazine, vol.2
Welcome to the second Innovation Magazine from the UCLA Technology Development Group. In this issue we highlight UCLA TDG accomplishments in recent months! Our many projects are fully under way and we have established partnerships at multiple levels within the UC ecosystem, investors and with industry professionals. Featured in this issue of the magazine is storytelling and background on the TDG team, our recent deal making, what we do and how we’ve arrived at our success and growth.