Dr. Moustache has done it again.
Another child has been treated for a deadly affliction known as the “bubble boy” disease. Dr. Moustache and his “magical team” did have a little help, courtesy of the people of California who put tens of millions of dollars into financing his cell and gene therapy.
But just who is Dr. Moustache? He is a fictional character conjured up by Paola Andrea Fernández de Soto AbdulRahim. She is the grateful mother of the child who was treated just 10 days ago by the real-life, moustachioed researcher Donald Kohn at UCLA. In her children’s book, “In My Magical Bubble,” Dr. Moustache plays a key role. (Dr. Moustache, by the way, prefers the British spelling of his name instead of the American version -- mustache.)
Fernández de Soto AbdulRahin’s five-year-old son, Jakob inspired her book, and his real-life treatment was completed July 19. Kohn, his “magical” team and Jakob’s family all celebrated with a moustache party in Jakob’s hospital room.